Week 5 Day 3

Add the correct article next to each word
  1. ___ apple
  2. ___ banana
  3. ___ peach
  4. ___ orange
  5. ___ apricot
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Week 5 Day 5

Can you unscramble these letters to make 5 world capital cities
  1. coosmw
  2. ibnrle
  3. okyto
  4. ononld
  5. spiar
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Week 5 Day 4

Using no more than 100 words write a description or story of the image above. Why not add your 100 word story below?

Looking for other images to use for writing? Click here to visit our gallery.

Week 5 Day 2

Complete these sentences by adding a simile.
  1. As quick as _________
  2. Slippery like a __________
  3. As hard as __________
  4. The children ran like ________
  5. Sparking like ________

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Week 5 Day 1

Use a calculator to work out the missing numbers.
  1. ____ ÷ 20 = 57
  2. 13 x ____ = 429
  3. ____ x 63 = 4914
  4. 540 ÷ ____ = 15
  5. ____ x 74 = 7104

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Week 4 Day 5

Can you solve these riddles?
  1. What goes up and down stairs without moving?
  2. What goes around the world and stays in a corner?
  3. What kind of room has no windows or doors?
  4. What gets wetter the more it dries?
  5. I have holes on the top and bottom.  I have holes on my left and on my right. And I have holes in the middle, yet I still hold water. What am I? 
Do you have riddle? Add it below so everyone else can try and solve it?

Week 4 Day 4

Using no more than 100 words write a description or story of the image above. Why not add your 100 word story below?

Looking for other images to use for writing? Click here to visit our gallery.